
Ok...here’s the deal...

Based out of Malibu, I was off for a European tour to bring some songs the boys and I recorded over the years to the people across the pond. For whatever inexplicable reason...I titled the music “Love This Life.”

I hit the ground running in the south of France (Cannes to be exact. Majestic). From the get-go, the three words together “Love This Life” took flight. I noticed that for every person, Love This Life was a mirror. Reflections of passions. Possibilities. Memories. Vulnerabilities. Hope. By the time I reached Rome...the signs were clear.

Something was up.

I realized Love This Life needed to be shared with everyone with a pulse and a story around the world. Next thing I knew...383 Love This Life tee shirts sat scattered across my living room floor. I’ll never forget thinking “what have I done?” And yet...something was missing. Something from my soul.

Enter the Manifesto.

Drawn from my own life’s ongoing adversity...lyrics arrived that I titled “Manifesto.” Lyrics I swore I’d never share with another...until I shared them with another. Oooops! But take it from me...never say never. Why? Because what this musician had been hiding, became my life’s hit single. (Maybe what you might be holding back will become your life’s hit single.)

Anyway...by printing the Manifesto on the backs of the shirts, we found our voice and voila!...the Love This Life Manifesto tee was born. Launched out of the Los Angeles fashion tastemaker Fred Segal...Love This Life began its march forward into People Magazine, specialty boutiques, resorts, yoga studios, the Oscars and Grammys, hospitals, international relief missions to the global Stand Up 2 Cancer Telethon. And to top it off...we’ve been continually told how the wearing and sharing of Love This Life creations have inspired people we’ve never met...in places we’ve never heard of...in ways we’ll never know.

So...with the story of Love This Life finally being revealed...I can safely say that whether it’s a shout-out to the others...or a whisper to yourself...Love This Life expresses how you choose to live your gig.

You rock.

2 Paths